Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Buying into (or is it selling out to?) social networking

Well, I've completed the superfecta.

Facebook Page? Check (Dr. Ali Mohamadi)

Twitter account? Check (@dralimohamadi)

Blog? Check (dralimohamadi.blogspot.com)

Website? Check... almost (www.dralimohamadi.com)

Time will tell whether this is a colossal waste of time or a great new way to communicate with families I see in the office/people who are interested in learning more about pediatric endocrinology. Please let me know what you think and feel free to participate however your social networking mind sees fit.

The website, you'll see, is still a work in progress. Please let me know what adjustments you'd make. I'm open for suggestions, and unlike certain members of the Washington Redskins, I won't call you a "dim wit" if you boo me.

Be Well,

1 comment:

  1. Definitely NOT A SELL OUT! this is the way of the future! with so many people networking, surfing the web, etc, it's a perfect way to stay in contact with your clients, friends & family!
    Keep It Up!! More Dr's should do this!
